BIS Various Vacancy Online Last Date
Name of the post : BIS Various Vacancy Online Last Date
Post date : 05.09.2020
Latest update : 28.09.2020
Advt No. 02/2020
Post information : Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has given a notification of requirement for the Junior Translator (Hindi) & Other vacancies 2020. It is a great opportunity for candidates who are interested in apprentice jobs. Check notification, eligibility, last date to apply, vacancy, etc. in the article.
Application Fee
- For Sl No. 1 to 03: Rs. 800/-
- For Sl No. 4 to 10: Rs. 500/-
- For SCs/ STs/ PWDs/ Women & BIS serving employees:Nil
- Payment Mode: Through Online
Important Dates
- Starting Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 05-09-2020
- Last Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 26-09-2020 (Extended to 09–10-2020 till 06:00 PM)
- Date for Admit Card Download: 20-10-2020
- Date of Online Exam: 08-11-2020
Vacancy Details
Educational qualifications
Candidates can apply online only from 05 September 2020 [9 A.M.] to 26 September 2020
[6 P.M] and no other mode of application will be accepted.
i. Scan their photograph and signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature
adhere to the required specifications as given under Guideline for photograph & signature
scan and upload.
ii. Have a valid personal email ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the
completion of this Recruitment Process. Bank may send intimation to download Admit
Cards for the Examination etc. through the registered e-mail ID. In case a candidate does
not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID and mobile
no. before applying on-line and must maintain that email account and mobile number.
PAYMENT OF FEE ON-LINE : 05 September 2020 [9 A.M.] to 26 September 2020[6 P.M]
Bank Transaction charges for Online Payment of application fees/intimation charges will have to be
borne by the candidate
1.) Candidates will have to go to the BIS website and click on tab “Recruitment
Advt./Results” under the head “Career Opportunities” and then click on "APPLY ONLINE"
which will open a new screen.
2.) To register application, choose the tab "Click here for New Registration" and enter Name,
Contact details and Email-id. A Provisional Registration Number and Password will be
generated by the system and displayed on the screen. Candidate should note down the
Provisional Registration Number and Password. An Email & SMS indicating the Provisional
Registration number and Password will also be sent.
3.) In case the candidate is unable to complete the application form in one go, he / she can save
the data already entered by choosing "SAVE AND NEXT" tab. prior to submission of the online
application candidates are advised to use the "SAVE AND NEXT" facility to verify the details
in the online application form and modify the same if required. Visually Impaired candidates
should fill the application form carefully and verify/ get the details verified to ensure that the
same are correct prior to final submission.
4.) Candidates are advised to carefully fill and verify the details filled in the online application
themselves as no change will be possible/ entertained after clicking the FINAL
5.) The Name of the candidate or his /her Father/ Husband etc. should be spelt correctly in the
application as it appears in the Certificates/ Mark sheets/Identity proof. Any
change/alteration found may disqualify the candidature.
6.) Validate your details and Save your application by clicking the 'Validate your details' and
'Save & Next ‘button.
7.) Candidates can proceed to upload Photo & Signature as per the specifications given in the
Guidelines for Scanning and Upload of Photograph and Signature detailed under point "C".
8.) Candidates can proceed to fill other details of the Application Form.
9.) Click on the Preview Tab to preview and verify the entire application form before
10.) Modify details, if required, and click on 'FINAL SUBMIT' ONLY after verifying and ensuring
that the photograph, signature uploaded and other details filled by you are correct.
11.)Click on 'Payment' Tab and proceed for payment.
12.) Click on 'Submit ‘button.
1.) The application form is integrated with the payment gateway and the payment process can
be completed by following the instructions.
2.) The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay/Visa/MasterCard/Maestro), Credit
Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards/ Mobile Wallets.
3.) After submitting your payment information in the online application form, PLEASE WAIT FOR
4.) On successful completion of the transaction, an e-Receipt will be generated.
5.) Non-generation of 'E-Receipt' indicates PAYMENT FAILURE. On failure of payment,
Candidates are advised to login again using their Provisional Registration Number and
Password and repeat the process of payment.
6.)Candidates are required to take a printout of the e-Receipt and online Application Form.
Please note that if the same cannot be generated, online transaction may not have been
7.) For Credit Card users: All charges are listed in Indian Rupee. If you use a non-Indian credit
card, your bank will convert to your local currency based on prevailing exchange rates.
8.) To ensure the security of your data, please close the browser window once your transaction
is completed.
9.) There is facility to print application form containing fee details after payment of fees.
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of
his/her photograph and signature as per the specifications given below.
Photograph Image:
- Photograph must be a recent passport style color picture.
- Make sure that the picture is in color, taken against a light-colored, preferably white,
- Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face
-If the picture is taken on a sunny day, have the sun behind you, or place yourself in
the shade, so that you are not squinting and there are no harsh shadows
- If you have to use flash, ensure there's no “red-eye"
- If you wear glasses make sure that there are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly
- Caps, hats and dark glasses are not acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it
must not cover your face.
- Dimensions 200 x 230 pixels(preferred)
- Size of file should be between 20kb–50kb
- Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than 50kb. If the size of the file
is more than 50 kb, then adjust the settings of the scanner such as the DPI resolution,
no. of colors etc., during the process of scanning
Signature Image:
- The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black Ink pen.
- The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
- The signature will be used to put on the Attendance sheet and wherever necessary.
- The applicant's signature obtained on the Admit Card and attendance sheet at the time
of the examination should match the uploaded signature. In case of mismatch, the
applicant may be disqualified.
- Dimensions 140 x 60 pixels(preferred)
- Size of file should be between 10kb –20kb
- Ensure that the size of the scanned image is not more than20kb
- Signature in CAPITAL LETTERS shall NOT be accepted.
Scanning the photograph & signature:
- Set the scanner resolution to a minimum of 200 dpi (dots per inch)
- Set Color to True Color
- File Size as specified above
- Crop the image in the scanner to the edge of the photograph/signature, then use the
upload editor to crop the image to the final size (as specified above).
- The image file should be JPG or JPEG format. An example file name is: image01.jpg or
image01.jpeg Image dimensions can be checked by listing the folder files or moving the
mouse over the file image icon.
- Candidates using MS Windows/MSOffice can easily obtain photo and signature in .jpeg
format not exceeding 50kb & 20kb respectively by using MS Paint or MSOffice Picture
Manager. Scanned photograph and signature in any format can be saved in .jpg format
by using ‘Save As’ option in the File menu and size can be reduced below 50 kb
(photograph) & 20 kb(signature) by using crop and then resize option (Please see point
(i) & (ii) above for the pixel size) in the ‘Image’ menu. Similar options are available in
other photo editor also.
- If the file size and format are not as prescribed, an error message will be displayed.
- While filling in the Online Application Form the candidate will be provided with a link
to upload his/her photograph and signature.
Definition of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) [Divyangjan]:
Under Section 2 (r) of the Right of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, only such persons would be
eligible for reservation who suffer from not less than 40% of specified disability and are certified by
a Medical Board constituted by the Central/State Government. Candidates claiming such benefits
should produce certificate in original (by the Competent Authority issued on or before the last date
of online submission of application in the prescribed format available at the end of this
advertisement) in support of their claim at the time of Interview/at any stage of the recruitment
process. Persons with Disabilities will have to work in any Regional Office/Branch Office as per
requirement. Candidates with the following disabilities are eligible to apply against the vacancies
reserved for them (as per GOI guidelines dated 15 January 2018):
i) Blindness and Low Vision –
a) "blindness" means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions, after
best correction—
(i) total absence of sight; or
(ii) visual acuity less than 3/60 or less than 10/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with
best possible correction; or
(iii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 10 degree.
(b) "low-vision" means a condition where a person has any of the following conditions,
(i) visual acuity not exceeding 6/18 or less than 20/60 upto 3/60 or upto 10/200
(Snellen) in the better eye with best possible corrections; or
(ii) limitation of the field of vision subtending an angle of less than 40 degree up to
10 degree.
ii) Deaf and Hard of Hearing–
(a) "deaf" means persons having 70 DB hearing loss in speech frequencies in both ears; (b)
"hard of hearing" means person having 60 DB to 70 DB hearing loss in speech
frequencies in both ears;.
iii) Locomotive disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims
and muscular dystrophy –
A Locomotor disability (a person's inability to execute distinctive activities
associated with movement of self and objects resulting from affliction of musculoskeletal
or nervous system or both), including—
(a) "leprosy cured person" means a person who has been cured of leprosy but is suffering
from—(i) loss of sensation in hands or feet as well as loss of sensation and paresis in the
eye and eye-lid but with no manifest deformity;(ii) manifest deformity and paresis but
having sufficient mobility in their hands and feet to enable them to engage in normal
economic activity;(iii) extreme physical deformity as well as advanced age which prevents
him/her from undertaking any gainful occupation, and the expression "leprosy cured"
shall construed accordingly;
(b) "cerebral palsy" means a Group of non-progressive neurological condition affecting body
movements and muscle coordination, caused by damage to one or more specific areas of
the brain, usually occurring before, during or shortly after birth;
(c) "dwarfism" means a medical or genetic condition resulting in an adult height of 4 feet 10
inches (147 centimeters) or less;
(d) "muscular dystrophy" means a group of hereditary genetic muscle disease that weakens
the muscles that move the human body and persons with multiple dystrophy have
Important notice
Important Links
Official notification---------- Click Here
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