OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION AND ITS MECHANISM Oxidative phosphorylation refers to the formation of ATP by oxidation process in the matrix of mitochondria during the electron transport chain of aerobic respiration which has been discussed in the previous sub-chapter (page 130-145). A number of theories have been put forth to explain the mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis. These theories or concepts elucidate how electrochemical gradients across the mitochordrial membranes may be used to drive ATP synthesis. These theories give an idea about the energy transduction in mitochondria, described below. A. The Chemical Coupling Theory This theory was originally proposed by Slater in 1953 and subsequently modified by Mahler and Cordes in 1971. According to Slater, during the oxidation of a compound of electron transport chain the energy released is trapped by the formation of a bond (wriggle bond written as ,a high energy bond) between tha...