68% global biodiversity wipedOut in 5 decades, says WWF

Asia Pacific saw second biggest drop

The planet lost 68% of its biodiversity population in the past five decades.The brunt of it was borne by freshwater species, whose population went down by a stag gering 84%. And even with in-creased conservation efforts,an improvement seems unlikely before 2050, said the latest bi-annual Living Planet Report' released by the World WVide Fund for Nature (WWF).The situation in India is not much different from the global situation, something we need to be cognizant of," said Sejal Worah, programme director of the organisation's India unit at a pre-release briefing on Wednesday "In India,over 12% wild mammals and 3% bird species face the threat of extinction, while 19% amphibians are threatened or critically endangered." The Living Planet Index mapped 21,000 populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. The patterns show wide regional variance The Asia Pacific saw a 45% drop in biodiversity the second biggest after Latin America and the Carribean, which lost 94%. Singled out as a particular cause of concern are freshwater species.Almost one in three are threatened with extinction," the report said. In the Indian context, Worah said, the situation is dire. "By 2030, water demand will be twicethe availabi-lity with 14 of 20river basins already stressed. We are in a very critical situation," she added. One-third of India's wetlands have already been lost in the past four decades.What it shows up are the cascading effects of human acti-
vity in ways that are not always
understood until much later. A
cyclone in one continent can le-
ad toalocust swarm in another,
for instance. In 2018, climate
change led to two cyclones with
unusually heavy rainfall in the
southern Arabian peninsula.
It created a breeding ground
for locusts, which then invaded
parts of South Asia (including
India) and East Africa in 2019.
The same year, "an exceptio
nally hotand long heatwave led
to extreme droughts in India
and Pakistan, forcing tens
of thousands to abandon their
homes and causing an as-yet
unknown death to," the re
port said
This broken relationship
with nature came to a head in
2020. "A series of catastrophic
events-wildfires, locust plagu-
es and the Covid-19 pandemic-
have shaken the world's envi
ronmental conscience," the re
port said
The ecological footprint of
human populations has excee
ded the planet's regenerative
capacity-biodiversity is be
ing destroyed faster than it can
recover"The human enterpri
se currently demands 156 ti
mes more resources than the
amount that the earth can rege
nerate" the reportsaid. India's
footprint is among the lowest
- less than 16 global hectares
perperson, smaller than that of
many large countries. Howe
ver, the report added, "its high
population levels make it likely
for the country to face a wide
ning ecological deficit even if
current per-capita levels of re
source consumption remain
the same."


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