Before going to read full ecology post, we should know about life and environment. Life
originated in our earth around four billion years ago. It is generally agreed that all life
forms of today evolved by a common descent from a single primitive life form. It is not
known how this early life form came into existence, but scientists think that it was a
natural process which took place perhaps 3,900 million years ago. The earliest claimed life
forms are tossilized micro-organisms or microfossils. They were found in iron and silica-
rich rockS which were once hydrothermal vents in the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt of
Quebec, Canada, and these rocks are as old as 4.28 billion years. If this is the oldest record
of lite on earth, it suggests an almost instaneous emergence of life after oceans were
formed 4.4 billion years ago. Moreover a scientific study showed that geological formation
of stromatolites of 3.45 billion years old contain fossilized cyanobacteria and stromatolites
were also the oldest known life records on earth.
The basic chemicals from which life is supposed to have formed are methane (CH),
ammonia (NH), hydrogen sulphide (H,S), carbon dioxide (CO), carbon monoxide (CO),
phosphate (PO) and water. Molecular oxygen (O,) or ozone (O) were either rare or
absent during that period. Thus initially the earth's atmosphere had almost no free oxygen.
It was gradually changed to the present day oxygenic atmosphere containing around 20%
free oxygen, so that the aerobic organisms can use oxygen for respiration. Initially single
celled organisms originated 4.1 billion years ago and then multicelullar organisms appeared
approximately 1.5 billion years ago. Land plants originated around 500 million years ago.
The modern man (Homo sapiens) arose around one to two lakh years ago. And now our
planet earth bears various kinds of lite forms starting from micro- organisms, upto fungi,
green plants and animals in a harmoneous manner. The living organisms are the important. 

components of biosphere. Only one percent of the species of living organisms are existent
to-day ana 99% of species have been lost from the earth's crust, which might have been
due to natural events or catastrophe leading to destruction of the living organisms. A very
800d example is the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction, also known as the Cretaceous-
lertiary extinction, when a mass extinction of some three-quarters (3/74) of the animal and
Plant species on earth occurred approximately 66 million years ago. Still about 8.7 million
(t 1.3) species of living organisms are existing today according to a recent report or
Census of marine life (2011), the figure is based on a new analytical technique. Out of it,
6.5 million species occur on land and 2.2 million species are present in oceans. It is the
most precise calculation ever offered.
All organisms starting from the tiniest bacterium to the largest blue whale need a
place to live. Life is everywhere - in the oceans, beneath the soil, in the cold polar regions,
in hot springs and even in animal's body. The place on earth's surface where life dwells
is called the biosphere. Biosphere is capable of supporting life. Apart from the living
components, biosphere has non-living or abiotic components like water, air, soil, fire etc.
Each organism is living in a particular environment. Environment is the surroundings
in which a man, or animal or plant lives or operates. It is also the sum total of all
surroundings of a living organism, including natural forces and other living things, which
provide conditions for development and growth as well as of danger and damage.


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