NATURAL RESOURCES


                     Natural resources are are resolved that existing without action of human mankind.
- This includes all valued characteristics such as magnetic, gravitational, electrical properties and force etc.

- On Earth it includes sunlight, atmospheric water, land along with all vegetation, crop that animal like there that naturally subsist upon or within the heretofore characteristics in substance.

                                                               Natural research may exist age a separate entity such as fresh water, air & as well as  living organism such as a  fresh or it may existing in an alternative form that must be procedure to obtain the resource such as material ores ,rare earth  material petroleum and most forms of energy.


             There are various method of category natural resource this includes source of origin, stage of development and by their renewability
                                                               On the basis of origin, natural resource may be divided into two type   1- biotic natural resource
                 2- abiotic natural resource 


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