
Showing posts from January, 2020

코로나 바이러스 사망, 소스, 증상, 예방 및 치료

코로나 바이러스 사망, 소스, 증상, 예방 및 치료 중국 당국자들에 따르면, 중국에서 코로나 바이러스가 확산되는 경우의 개발에서 사망자 수는 106 명으로 늘어났다고 덧붙였다. 중국에서 4500 건이 넘는 바이러스 사례 중 또한 화요일 바이에른 보건국은 독일 최초의 바이러스 감염 사례를 발표했다.이 부서는 또한 환자가 Starnberg 마을에 있다고 언급했다. 또한 환자가 격리되었고 '좋은 상태'에 있다고 언급되었습니다. 또한 화요일 아침 일찍 캐나다는 바이러스의 첫 번째 사례를 확인했습니다. 화요일에 중국 당국은 사망자 수의 증가에 대한 소식이 전해지면서 사람들의 일상 생활에 대한 바이러스의 영향을 억제하고 더 이상의 긍정적 인 사례를 피하기 위해 학교와 대학의 개설을 연기했다. 봄 학기. 이 조치는 전국에 걸쳐 이루어졌습니다. 그러나 사역의 성명에 따르면 기관들은 사례별로 재 개설 할 것이라고 밝혔다. 또한 학교 행정부는 학생들이 외출하거나 그룹으로 모이는 것을 허용하지 않도록 지시했다. 또한 학생들은 중앙 집중식 활동에 참여해서는 안된다고 말했다. 당국에 따르면이 바이러스는 우한 (Wuhan)의 감염된 바이러스를 통해 전염 된 것으로 여겨지고 있으며 현재는 사람에서 사람으로 전염되는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 그러나 바이러스를 한 사람에서 다른 사람으로 전파하는 것이 얼마나 쉬운지는 불분명합니다. 전문가들은 바이러스가 인간에게 독감과 유사한 증상을 유발한다고 언급했으며 세계 보건기구 (WHO)는 중국이 가장 큰 위험에 처해있는 글로벌 위험 요소로 바이러스를 선언했습니다. 바이러스의 근원과 확산 중국 보건 당국은 GenBankexternal 아이콘, NIH 유전자 서열 데이터베이스 및 모든 인플루엔자 데이터 공유에 관한 글로벌 이니셔티브 (GISAIDexternal icon) 포털에서 2019-nCoV의 전체 게놈을 최초로 게시했습니다. 바이러스. CDC는 미국 1,2 차 환자에서 발견 된 2019-nCoV 바...


コロナウイルスの死亡、出典、症状、予防措置および治療 中国当局によると、中国でのコロナウイルスの大流行の場合の開発では、死者数は現在106人に増加しています。彼らは合計で合計1291人の追加の確認患者がいると言っています。中国では4500件以上のウイルスがあります。さらに、バイエルン州の保健部は、火曜日に、ドイツで初めて確認されたウイルスの症例を発表しました。同部はまた、患者がシュタルンベルクの町にいると述べました。患者は孤立しており、「良好な状態」にあることも言及されました。カナダも火曜日の早朝に、ウイルスの最初の症例を確認しました。 死者数の増加のニュースが広まった後、火曜日、中国当局は人々の日常生活へのウイルスの影響を抑制し、それ以上の陽性症例を避けるために、学校と大学の開校を延期した。春学期。この動きは全国各地にもたらされました。しかし、省からの声明は、研究所はケースバイケースで再開すると述べた。 声明はまた、学校の管理は、学生がグループに外に出たり集まったりすることを許可しないように指示されていると付け加えました。また、学生が中央集権的な活動に参加することを許可すべきではないと述べた。当局によると、このウイルスは武漢の感染ウイルスを介して拡散したと考えられており、現在では人から人へと伝染していると考えられています。ただし、ある人から別の人にウイルスを拡散するのがどれほど簡単かは不明です。 専門家は、このウイルスは人間にインフルエンザのような症状を引き起こし、世界保健機関はこのウイルスを世界的なリスク要素として宣言しており、中国は最もリスクが高いと述べています ウイルスのソースと拡散 中国の保健当局は、GenBankexternalアイコンである2019-nCoVの全ゲノム、NIH遺伝子配列データベース、およびすべてのインフルエンザデータの共有に関するグローバルイニシアチブ(GISAIDexternalアイコン)ポータルに最初に投稿しました。ウイルス。 CDCは、米国の最初と2番目の患者で検出された2019-nCoVウイルスの全ゲノムをGenBankに投稿しました。 2019-nCoVは、MERSやSARなどのベータコロナウイルスであり、そのすべてがコウモリに由来しています。米国の患者からのシーケンスは、中国が最初に...

Смерть коронавируса, источник, симптомы, меры предосторожности и лечение

Смерть коронавируса, источник, симптомы, меры предосторожности и лечение По словам китайских чиновников, в случае распространения вспышки коронавируса в Китае число погибших в настоящее время возросло до 106. Они также сказали, что было добавлено около 1291 дополнительных подтвержденных случаев, чтобы составить в общей сложности из более чем 4500 случаев вируса в Китае. Кроме того, во вторник департамент здравоохранения Баварии объявил о первом подтвержденном в Германии случае заражения этим вирусом. Департамент также упомянул, что пациент находится в городе Штарнберг. Также было упомянуто, что пациент был изолирован и находится в «хорошем состоянии». Ранним утром во вторник в Канаде также был подтвержден первый случай заболевания. После того, как стало известно о росте числа погибших, китайские власти во вторник, стремясь обуздать воздействие вируса на повседневную жизнь людей и избежать любых дальнейших позитивных случаев, отложили открытие школ и университетов для весенний се...

Earth's energy system

                    Earth's energy system Physical processes   Earth is constantly changing as energy flows through the system. Geologic, fossil, and ice records provide evidence of significant changes throughout Earth's history. These changes are always associated with changes in the flow of energy through the Earth system. Both living and non- living processes have contributed to this change. Energy flows Energy flows on Earth can take many forms. In some cases the energy flows are constant, such as the decay of naturally-occurring radioactive materials within the Earth. This process releases heat to Earth's interior, which helps to drive the motion of plate tectonics at a fairly constant rate. In other cases the energy flows can vary over time, such as with the carbon cycle Energy drives the flow of carbon between different reservoirs. Carbon can exist in carbonate rocks (like limestone), stored fossil ...

coronavirus Muerte, fuente, síntomas, precaución y tratamiento

coronavirus Muerte, fuente, síntomas, precaución y tratamiento Según los funcionarios chinos, en un desarrollo en el caso de la propagación del brote de coronavirus en China, el número de muertos ahora ha aumentado a 106. También han dicho que ha habido alrededor de 1291 casos confirmados adicionales que suman un total de más de 4500 casos del virus en China. Además, el departamento de salud de Baviera anunció el martes el primer caso confirmado del virus en Alemania. El departamento también mencionó que el paciente se encuentra en la ciudad de Starnberg. También se mencionó que el paciente ha sido aislado y se encuentra en "buen estado". Canadá también, el martes por la mañana temprano, confirmó su primer caso del virus. Después de que se difundió la noticia del aumento del número de muertos, las autoridades chinas, el martes, en un intento por frenar el efecto del virus en la vida cotidiana de las personas y evitar más casos positivos, pospusieron la apertura de escu...

Coronavirus Death,Source,Symptoms,Precaution and Treatment

Coronavirus Death,Source,Symptoms,Precaution and Treatment  According to the Chinese officials, in a development in the case of the spread of coronavirus outbreak in China, the death toll has now risen to 106. They’ve also said that there have been around 1291 additional confirmed cases adding up to make a total of more than 4500 cases of the virus in China. Additionally, the health department of Bavaria, on Tuesday, announced Germany's first confirmed case of the virus The department also mentioned that the patient is in the town of Starnberg. It was also mentioned that the patient has been isolated and is in a 'good condition'. Canada also, on early Tuesday morning, confirmed its first case of the virus. After the news of the rising death toll spread, the Chinese authorities, on Tuesday, in a bid to curb the effect of the virus on the routine lives of people and to avoid any further positive cases, postponed the opening of schools and universities for the spri...


                                 Coronavirus  China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia unknown detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. From  31 December 2019 through 3 January 2020, a total of 44 case-patients with pneumonia of  unknown etiology were reported to WHO by the national authorities in China. During this  reported period, the causal agent was not identified. Laterally it was identified as Corona virus. Symptoms runny nose headache cough sore throat fever a general feeling of being unwell Human coronaviruses can sometimes cause lower-respiratory tract illnesses, such as pneumonia or bronchitis. This is more common in people with cardiopulmonary disease, people with weakened immune systems, infants, and older adults. Diagnosis Your healthcare provider may order laboratory tests on respiratory specimens and se...

Top 5 companies in the world by market value

Top 5 companies in the world by market value  1             Apple     Apple diverse collection of thinkers and doers, continually reimagining what’s possible to help us all do what we love in new ways. The people who work here have reinvented entire industries with the Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, as well as with services, including iTunes, the App Store, Apple Music, and Apple Pay. And the same innovation that goes into our products also applies to our practices — strengthening our commitment to leave the world better than we found it. 2            Microsoft  Microsoft is a world largest company in the world they provide electronic product that is fully budget and customer efficient that. Microsoft manufacture his computer and operating system of window and mobile operating system and some mobile are produced that. Beauty is good impact on customer. so that earn much money per year. 3     ...

What is SAR?

                                    What is SAR? Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)   is the rate at which electromagnetic power radiated from mobile handsets and towers is absorbed by the human body.

What is a SAR value?

                  What is a SAR value?   SAR   Value  is a measure of the maximum energy absorbed by a unit of mass of exposed tissue of a person using a mobile phone, over a given time or more simply the power absorbed per unit mass. SAR values are usually expressed in units of watts per kilogram (W/kg) in either 1g or 10g of tissue. Every mobile phone model is tested for radio wave emissions. Using an internationally standardized method that meets government and regulatory requirements, a measurement is made to determine how much electromagnetic energy is absorbed by body tissue. This gives the SAR (specific absorption rate) value. Governmental and regulatory agencies have established SAR limits under which cell phone use has been determined by them to be safe.

What is SAR Limit in India?

                          What is SAR Limit in India?   The Inter-Ministerial Committee on EMF Radiation set up by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology had suggested stricter SAR limits (2 watt per kg) for mobile handsets.  While acknowledging the sensitivity of health related effects of radiation emissions from mobile towers and the recent concern raised by World Health Organization, the Indian Government has decided to set the new SAR limits to  1.6 watt per kg.  This would make the Indian standards closer to the US standards prescribed by the  FCC (Federal Communication Commission)  where the permissible SAR levels are set at or below 1.6 watt  per kg taken over a volume containing a mass of 1 gram of tissue.

How is SAR harmful for Human Body?

    How is SAR harmful for Human Body?   A high level of SAR is known to have ill effects on humans.

SAR For Cell Phones: What It Means For Me?

  SAR For Cell Phones: What It Means For Me?   There is considerable confusion and misunderstanding about the meaning of the maximum reported Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) values for cell phones (and other wireless devices). SAR is a measure of the rate of RF (radiofrequency) energy absorption by the body from the source being measured – in this case, a cell phone.  Many people mistakenly assume that using a cell phone with a lower reported SAR value necessarily decreases a user’s exposure to RF emissions, or is somehow “safer” than using a cell phone with a high SAR value. While SAR values are an important tool in judging the maximum possible exposure to RF energy from a particular model of cell phone, a single SAR value does not provide sufficient information about the amount of RF exposure under typical usage conditions to reliably compare individual cell phone models.

So how safe are mobile phones?

                 So how safe are mobile phones? There is concern at the moment over the use of cellular phones and their possible health implications. All the research is inconclusive so the bottom line is, cellular phones may be a potential health hazard. Different cell-phone models emit different amounts of radiation, so one way to reduce your exposure is to purchase a cell phone with a lower SAR (specific absorption rate), a number that indicates how much radiation is absorbed by the human body when the handset is being used at maximum power. The FCC requires cell phone manufacturers to ensure that their phones comply with these objective limits for safe exposure. Any cell phone at or below these SAR levels (that is, any phone legally sold in India) is a "safe" phone, as measured by these standards. The FCC limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg). 

How could I Find the SAR value for my phone?

How could I Find the SAR value for my phone? The SAR rating of each individual phone model is now being displayed on all mobile phone and on its packaging, which will enable users to make informed choices when purchasing a handset.  brings this important information free of charge to all cellular users and also provides useful links to other Websites containing information. The easiest way to ascertain SAR for many cellular phones is via the FCC's links to individual manufacturers' Web sites:  . On this page you will find links to most manufacturers' Web pages that include SAR information for their phones, along with instructions on how to search each site for SAR information. Important user information:  Features of phone models are sometimes revised or improved during production. This could lead to a situation where the same phone type appears to have different SAR values. If so, please refer to the user guide shippe...

What are the Parameters that can affect SAR?

What are the Parameters that can affect SAR? Parameters that can affect SAR include: Types of radio service (cellular, PCS, LMR, WLAN, etc.) Types of modulations (CDMA, GMSK, TDMA, AMPS, etc.) Physical orientation to person (held-to-ear, held-to-face, belt-clip, lap-held, etc.) RF power level (in Watts or mW) Changes to transmitter, antenna (extracted/retracted) or accessories (clips, batteries, etc.)

How can I lower my Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation?

How can I lower my Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation? The following tips will help you protect yourself from cell phone radiation by enabling you to use your phone in ways that lower your radiation exposure. Use a speakerphone, earpiece or headset to reduce proximity to the head (and thus exposure). While wired earpieces may conduct some energy to the head and wireless earpieces also emit a small amount of RF energy, both wired and wireless earpieces remove the greatest source of RF energy (the cell phone) from proximity to the head and thus can greatly reduce total exposure to the head. Carry your cell phone away from your body—in a purse, briefcase or computer bag—not in your pocket where it is pressed up against you. Increase the distance between wireless devices and your body. Consider texting rather than talking -  but don’t text while you are driving.